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Berlin: Body - Mind - Earth

"Sentience is born of the ongoing encounter, the contact, the tension and entwinement between each body and the breathing earth that surrounds it...  [it] was never our private possession. We live immersed in intelligence, enveloped and informed by a creativity we cannot fathom."

David Abram

This workshop is based on evolving embodiment practice for realigning our humanimal bodies and re-embracing the continuum of body-mind-earth. A continuum within which we evolved as a species, within which our sentience evolved, and which our culture’s myopic technologies have all but severed apart.

During the two days we will explore the emerging sentience and a sense of agency through various aspects of embodied anatomy including embryology, basic neurocellular patterns, reflexes and the development of the nervous system. These somatic explorations - using movement, touch and voice - are infused in ecological thought to create a living practice of ecosomatics, a way of coming back to our senses.

This work is part of my ongoing research on the interface of performance, somatics and ecology. It is a process where participation of each individual serves as an offering towards the whole.



Saturday & Sunday 9-10. May, 2015
10-16:30 including an hour for lunch


Börnestrasse Studio
Börnestrasse 45

M4, M12, M13 Antonplatz

Cost: 110€ | 60€ for one day

Sign-up using the contact form. Thank you!


April 27

Lisbon: The Role of First Person Experience in Neuroscience

May 27

Helsinki: Performance