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Seminar One - Preparing the Ground: presence and palpatory awareness
History and development of the craniosacral concept
The biodynamic paradigm
Practitioner fulcrums
The ritual of contact – creating safety
Presence, embodiment and mindfulness
Practitioner neutral
Palpation and perception
Being to being relational field
Touch and the relational field
The five core aspects of the primary respiratory mechanism
Primary respiratory system; the Breath of Life and three tides
Orienting to the ‘biosphere’ of the client
Perception and palpation of the three tides: the cranial rhythmic impulse, mid-tide and long tide
Shifting perceptual fields
Longitudinal fluctuation and cerebrospinal fluid
Stillpoints in the fluid tide
Trauma part 1: resources and health
Palpation of the fluid tide
Synchronising with the long tide